
Scott Torborg - Cart Logic


  • Theme / template handling.
  • Theme configuration.
  • Theme stacking (one theme can inherit from another).
  • Image filtering / serving.
  • Asset handling and compilation.
  • Uses Mako, PIL, require.js, and LESS.

Command line tools:

  • Compile assets (in addition to a programmatic method for integrating with other build steps)


Install with pip:

$ pip install pyramid_frontend

Quick Start

Include pyramid_frontend, by calling config.include('pyramid_frontend') or adding pyramid_frontend to pyramid.includes.

Configure the following settings:

  • pyramid_frontend.compiled_asset_dir
  • pyramid_frontend.original_image_dir
  • pyramid_frontend.processed_image_dir
  • pyramid_frontend.image_url_prefix
  • pyramid_frontend.asset_url_prefix
  • pyramid_frontend.use_compiled

Register at least one theme, using the config.add_theme(theme) directive. You can also pass a dotted string (e.g. myapp.themes.foo.FooTheme) which will be resolved relative to the calling module.

Other possible mechanisms for theme registration which may be added later are a setuptools entrypoint or a settings key.

  • Themes are subclasses of the pyramid_frontend.Theme class.
  • Class attributes or properties can be set for resource configuration.
  • Paths are interpreted as relative to the directory of the module containing the class definition.
  • An example:
class MyTheme(Theme):
    template_dir = ...
    static_dir = ...
    image_filters = {
        'detail': ...
        'thumb': ...
    assets = {
        'main-js': ('static/js/main.js', 'requirejs'),
        'main-less': ('static/css/main.less', 'less'),

Configure your application to use a theme, with one of the following methods:

  • Specify the pyramid_frontend.theme setting key.
  • Call config.set_theme_strategy(func) with a function that will return the theme to use.
  • An example:
def mobile_theme_strategy(request):
    if request.is_mobile and not request.session.get('use_desktop'):
        return 'my-mobile-theme'
        return 'my-desktop-theme'

Inside your app, specify a .html or .txt renderer. It will be rendered using the currently active theme (or call the theme strategy function to determine which theme to use).

The request object has a few added methods.

  • request.asset_tag(key) - Generate an asset tag (either a script tag or stylesheet tag, or some combination thereof) for a corresponding asset key. In production, this will point to a concatenated / minified file.
  • request.image_url(name, original_ext, filter_key) - Generate a URL for an image as processed by the specified filter chain.
  • request.image_tag(name, original_ext, filter_key, **kwargs) - Generate an img tag for an image as processed by the specified filter chain.
  • request.image_original_path(name, original_ext) - Return the filesystem path to the original file for this image.
  • request.theme is a reified property on request - Return the theme instance that will be used to serve this request.

When using in production, call pcompile production.ini to generate static assets, or call pyramid_frontend.compile(registry.settings).

Theme Inheritance

Themes can stack on top of another theme by subclassing them.


An inheriting theme’s templates will layer on top of the superclass theme’s templates. The renderer will attempt to resolve templates to the child-most class first, then traverse up the inheritance chain.

Inside a template, you can refer to files with the prefix super: to make the filename resolve in the theme that is being inherited from.

Image Filters

An inheriting theme’s image filters will layer on top of the superclass theme’s image filters. If an image filter of the same name is specified, the child class will override the superclass.


An inheriting theme’s asset entry points will layer on top of the super class theme’s entry points. If an entry point of the same name is specified, the child class will override the superclass.

Static Files

Each theme has exactly one static file directory. It will be served up at an underscore-prefixed path corresponding to the theme’s key.

Asset Compilation

The assets dict attribute maps entry point names to a tuple of URL paths and asset type.

In development, simply call request.asset_tag(key) to generate an asset tag.

In production, assets must be compiled before that call. The asset compilation step does the following for each entry point in each theme:

  • Resolve the entry point path to a filesystem path.
  • Collect static dirs from the theme and superclasses for use in resolving references during the compilation process.
  • Compile the asset by calling a Compiler instance with the theme and the asset entry point.
  • Save the result to a file in pyramid_frontend.compiled_asset_dir with a filename based on the sha1 of the contents. - Collect all filenames for compiled files, mapping entry point name to filename.
  • Write the filename to a file with a path like <compiled asset dir>/<theme key>/<entry point>.map.

Code Standards

pyramid_frontend has a comprehensive test suite with 100% line and branch coverage, as reported by the excellent coverage module. To run the tests, simply run in the top level of the repo:

$ nosetests

There are no PEP8 or Pyflakes warnings in the codebase. To verify that:

$ pip install pep8 pyflakes
$ pep8 .
$ pyflakes .

Any pull requests must maintain the sanctity of these three pillars.

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