Source code for pyramid_frontend.assets

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

from webhelpers2.html.tags import literal
from pyramid.settings import asbool

[docs]def asset_tag(request, key, **kwargs): """ Request method to render an HTML fragment containing tags which reference the supplied entry point. This will dispatch to the appropriate tag rendering function based on context and entry point type. """ theme = request.theme asset = theme.stacked_assets[key] settings = request.registry.settings should_compile = asbool(settings.get('pyramid_frontend.compile')) if should_compile: filename = theme.compiled_asset_path(key) url_path = '/compiled/' + theme.key + '/' + filename else: url_path = asset.url_path return literal(asset.tag(theme, url_path, production=should_compile, **kwargs))
[docs]def includeme(config): config.add_request_method(asset_tag, 'asset_tag') compiled_path = \ config.registry.settings['pyramid_frontend.compiled_asset_dir'] config.add_static_view(name='compiled', path=compiled_path)